Why hire a film photographer?

Hiring a film photographer can bring a unique and timeless quality to your family or brand photos that digital photography simply can't replicate. Shooting on film requires a deliberate, thoughtful, and intentional approach, as each shot must be carefully composed and exposed to achieve the desired result. With film, the natural state of the subject and their surroundings are embraced, without the need for heavy edits. The result is a beautiful, soft, and organic feel that feels warm and nostalgic.


Are all sessions shot only on film?

Yes! Right now my primary medium, and preference, is 35mm film. I will soon be adding 120mm film format as well.

Happy to discuss digital add-ons for your specific needs or for tighter turnarounds!

So, how do we get our photos?

Your photos are developed and then scanned professionally by a lab, they will be delivered to you in a private gallery digitally within 3 weeks of your shoot date.

They will be high-resolution so you could also print them, or we can chat about how I can print them for you!

How long have you been a photographer?

I've been shooting film since I was first introduced to the dark room in High School. I've collected and used many film camera's over the years and have had a long time to develop my style.

I really began to take it seriously as a career path when I was on maternity leave with my daughter in 2021.

Will you travel outside of Northumberland County?

Absolutely - I often book shoots in Toronto and am back and forth there very often. I am open to traveling anywhere within Ontario and beyond! Please note that there is a travel fee if your location is more than 50km away from Port Hope.

Do you offer mini sessions?

Not in the traditional sense. I personally do not feel that film is the right medium for 15-minute or even 30-minute sessions. It is much slower and more intentional and I don't believe in putting a time limit on my shoots.

I currently book shoot durations based on the total number of photos a client would like to receive.

There is potential to offer mini shoots in the future - check back with me!

I have more questions!

No problem - I'm happy to answer any other questions you have! Please fill out my submission form on my contact page and let's chat.